January 16, 2024

How Network Slicing Ensures 5G Quality and Scalability

There's more to 5G than ultra-fast data transmission speeds.

With every previous advancement in network technologies, speed has been the primary focus. But unlike its predecessors, 5G is a highly adaptable, efficient, and scalable network that not only boasts significantly reduced latency, but also the capability to connect and support what would've been considered an unimaginable number of devices and applications simultaneously.

That's why 5G represents such a significant shift for telecoms. It allows them to transition from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more dynamic, service-oriented model. But it also requires telecoms to upgrade their infrastructure, develop new operational strategies, and invest in technologies that support the diverse needs of 5G networking.

Network slicing is at the heart of this transformation, offering a way to tailor multiple networks to meet the diverse and specific needs of modern digital services, from enhanced mobile broadband to the Internet of Things (IoT) and beyond.

The Importance of Network Slicing

But what is network slicing?

It's simply the process of creating multiple virtual networks, with customized capabilities for each, on a single physical network infrastructure.

Think of network operators with various types of customers — from individual users streaming high-definition videos to enterprises relying on large-scale IoT deployments. Through network slicing, the operator can create a dedicated virtual network (or network slice) for each type of service with features customized to that specific service.

For example:

  • The network slice for video streaming can be optimized for high bandwidth and low latency, ensuring smooth playback, while the IoT network slice might focus on low power usage and high device connectivity, catering to the needs of numerous connected devices.

5G Network Slicing Ensures Quality and Scalability

With so many devices being used for an assortment of applications on a 5G network, slicing customized virtual networks, as mentioned in the examples above, are crucial in maintaining and enhancing network quality.

Network slices allow for more efficient use of network infrastructure. Network resources like bandwidth and processing power are allocated based on the specific needs of each network slice, which reduces waste and improves service quality for all users.

But perhaps the greatest feature of network slicing is that it not only ensures quality now, but also promotes scalability in the future.

As user demands and service requirements evolve, network slicing offers an agile and scalable solution. The dynamic nature of network slicing allows network operators to adapt to changing needs without redesigning network infrastructure or architecture.

It's important to remember, though, that network slicing is not just about segmenting a network; it's about creating a flexible, efficient, and quality-driven network ecosystem right now, that remains adaptable to changes in telecommunications and user expectations.

Why Network Operators Need a Lab Environment for Network Slicing

Network slicing requires deep integration in the network core, affecting aspects like traffic management, resource allocation, and service quality.

Misconfiguration or failure in a live environment can lead to service disruptions, impacting user experience and potentially leading to significant revenue loss. The complexity of 5G technology amplifies these risks, which makes careful testing and development crucial to the integration of new network slices.

The Value of 5G Labs

That’s where 5G labs come into play. A 5G lab is a controlled environment that replicates a real-world 5G network. It's equipped with the necessary tools, technologies, and infrastructure to simulate 5G network operations, including network slicing.

In this sandbox environment, telecom engineers can experiment with various configurations, test new features, and stress-test network capabilities to detect and ensure network performance when the technology transitions into the live network.

Benefits of Testing and Developing Network Slices in a Controlled Lab Environment

Safe Testing Ground

  • A lab environment provides a safe space for trial and error, allowing engineers to test the limits of network slicing without the risk of impacting live network services.

Accurate Performance Assessment

  • In a lab, network quality under different slicing scenarios can be accurately gauged, ensuring that each slice meets its designated service quality parameters.

Innovation and Experimentation

  • A lab setting enables telecoms to experiment with cutting-edge applications, like IoT integration and ultra-reliable low-latency communication, in a risk-free environment.

How a 5G Lab Prepares Telecoms for What's Next

As that last benefit suggests, lab environments are not just for current requirements but are crucial in preparing telecoms for future needs. They provide a glimpse into how network demands might evolve and how new technologies can be integrated into those advancements.

For example:

  • As autonomous vehicles and smart city applications become more prevalent, telecoms can use their 5G labs to simulate and prepare for these advanced use cases.
  • This foresight ensures that when these technologies become mainstream, the network is already prepared to support them efficiently.

A 5G lab environment is indispensable for the safe and effective implementation of network slicing. It mitigates the risks associated with direct deployment in operational networks and provides a platform for continuous innovation, ensuring telecoms are well-prepared for the future.

How to Create a Slicing-Capable 5G Lab

Now that we've established the theoretical importance of network slicing and a controlled lab environment, let's take a practical look at how to set up a lab to test and experiment with 5G network slicing.

Establishing such a lab requires a systematic approach, encompassing the design, build, and configuration phases. Here's a step-by-step guide on the essential stages and components needed for such a setup:

1. Design the Network Topology

  • Identify the Requirements: Begin by understanding the specific use cases and services the lab will focus on. This might include enhanced mobile broadband, IoT applications, or ultra-reliable low-latency communications.
  • Plan the Network Slice Architecture: Design the network topology to accommodate various slices. This includes determining how these network slices will interface with core network functions like AMF (Access and Mobility Management Function), SMF (Session Management Function), and UPF (User Plane Function).

2. Build the Infrastructure

  • Select the Right Technology Stack: Technologies like Docker are invaluable for their flexibility and scalability. Docker containers simulate dedicated core network functions and slices, allowing for a modular and easily adjustable setup.
  • Establish a Virtualized Environment: Use virtualization tools to create and manage virtual network functions (VNFs), which are crucial for network slicing. Network function virtualization might involve setting up a hypervisor and orchestrating containers or virtual machines, depending on the results of the first step.

3. Configure Network Elements

  • Set Up Different Network Slices: Configure individual slices according to their designated purposes. This includes assigning resources such as bandwidth and defining specific QoS parameters for each slice.
  • Implement Control and User Planes: Define how the control plane (managing signaling and network controls) and the user plane (handling data traffic) will operate within each slice. Ensure they align with the intended use cases of each slice.

4. Integrate Observability Tools

  • Monitoring and Analysis: Incorporate tools like Prometheus for data collection and Grafana for visualization. These will provide insights into the performance of each slice and the overall network. We'll discuss this important step in a breakout section below.

5. Ensure Seamless Communication Between Slices

  • Network Function Configuration: Each network function involved in slicing, such as AMF, SMF, and UPF, must be accurately configured to support the communication and data flow between slices.
  • IP Planning: Plan and implement an effective IP addressing scheme that facilitates efficient data routing and minimizes conflicts across slices.

6. Test and Optimize

  • Conduct Rigorous Testing: Now the fun begins. Use the lab environment to simulate real-world scenarios and test the performance of each network slice under various conditions.
  • Optimize for Performance: Analyze the test results to identify and address any bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Adjust resource allocation and configurations as necessary to optimize the performance of each slice.

Setting up a lab environment for network slicing is a multi-faceted process that requires careful planning, effective technology integration, and continuous optimization. But in the end, all the effort is worth it.

Having effective network slicing architecture is a critical step in ensuring that telecom operators can not only meet current demands but are also well-prepared for what's next in 5G technologies.

The Role of Observability in Network Slicing

As mentioned in our step-by-step guide for creating a 5G lab, observability plays a pivotal role.

But what exactly does observability mean in this context?

It refers to the capability to monitor, analyze, and understand the internal states of a network system from the data it outputs. For network slicing — whether in a live or lab environment — this is particularly crucial because it enables real-time visibility into each network slice's performance and health.

Why Observability is Crucial in a 5G Lab for Network Slicing

  • Monitoring Sliced Network Performance: Observability allows for the continuous monitoring of each network slice. This is essential to ensure that each slice meets its designated service quality and performance metrics, such as latency, throughput, and reliability.
  • Identifying and Resolving Issues: With a clear insight into network operations, any anomalies or performance degradations can be quickly identified and addressed, reducing downtime and improving overall service quality.
  • Adapting to Changes: In a lab environment, where new configurations and tests are constantly being implemented, observability helps in assessing the impact of these changes on network efficiency, ensuring that the network remains robust and reliable.

Building an Observability Stack for a 5G Lab

To establish an effective observability stack in a 5G lab environment, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Right Tools: Select tools that can capture and analyze a wide range of data types. Prometheus is widely used for gathering numerical time-series data, while Grafana is excellent for visualizing this data.
  2. Configure the Data: Set up Prometheus to collect metrics from various network functions and elements within your 5G lab. This includes setting up exporters or agents that send data to Prometheus.
  3. Implement Data Visualization: Integrate Grafana with Prometheus to create dashboards that visually represent the collected data. This can include metrics like traffic load per slice, latency measurements, and error rates.
  4. Add Advanced Monitoring Capabilities: For a more comprehensive observability, include tools like cAdvisor for container-level metrics and Node Exporter for server-level metrics. These tools enhance the visibility of the underlying infrastructure supporting the network slices.
  5. Automate Alerts: Configure Alert manager (a component of Prometheus) to send notifications if certain thresholds are exceeded or anomalies are detected. This proactive approach ensures immediate attention to potential issues.

By following these steps, you can build an observability stack that not only offers a granular view of each network slice's performance but also provides the insights needed to ensure the results in your 5G lab can be maintained in live network operations.

Automation and Scripting in Network Testing

In discussing any aspect of network testing and monitoring, it would be an oversight not to mention the importance of automation and scripting. Despite having slightly different roles, the combination of automation and scripting can be used to streamline the process of setting up, testing, and managing network slices.

In the context of network slicing in 5G labs, automation refers to the use of software to manage and execute tests on the network without manual intervention. Scripting, on the other hand, involves writing custom scripts to configure, modify, or monitor various aspects of the network.


Automation tools can be used to initiate network functions, adjust network parameters in real-time based on load or service requirements, and conduct systematic tests to ensure each slice meets its specific performance criteria.

Why is it important?

  • Efficiency and Speed: Automation drastically reduces the time required to set up and modify network slices, enabling a more agile response to changing requirements.
  • Consistency and Accuracy: It ensures that configurations across various slices are implemented consistently, minimizing human errors.
  • Scalability: As the demand for diverse 5G services grows, automation allows telecom operators to manage an increasing number of complex slices efficiently.
  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance: Automated systems can continuously monitor network efficiency, detecting and addressing issues before they impact service quality.


Scripting in a 5G lab environment can range from simple commands to complex sequences that configure network parameters, deploy services, or collect data for analysis. Scripting provides flexibility and control over the automation process, allowing network engineers to tailor the behavior of network slices to specific requirements.

Why is it important?

  • Customization: Scripting enables the customization of network slices to meet unique specifications of different use cases, which is vital in a technology as diverse as 5G.
  • Rapid Deployment and Updates: It allows for the quick implementation of changes across network slices, essential for testing various scenarios in a lab setting.
  • Troubleshooting and Optimization: Scripts can be used to gather detailed data on network performance, aiding in troubleshooting and optimizing network slices for peak performance.
  • Integration and Flexibility: Scripting offers the ability to integrate various network functions and tools seamlessly, providing a flexible approach to network slice management.

Both automation and scripting are crucial in a 5G lab environment for network slicing. Automation offers efficiency, consistency, and scalability, while scripting brings customization, rapid deployment, and detailed control.

Challenges and Considerations Beyond Lab Environments

While this article has focused on the benefits of 5G networking slicing in a lab environment — and going through the process of setting it up — it's important to note that even when network slicing is meticulously tested in a lab environment, several challenges and considerations persist as it moves toward a live environment:

  • Integration with Existing Networks: Integrating network slicing with existing network infrastructures can be challenging, especially in ensuring compatibility and seamless operation.
  • Security Across Slices: Ensuring robust security across different slices is critical. Each slice may have its unique vulnerabilities, necessitating a tailored security approach.
  • Performance Consistency: Maintaining consistent performance across all slices, especially under varying network loads, can be challenging. This requires dynamic allocation and reallocation of resources.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Different slices might have varying regulatory requirements, especially in sectors like healthcare or finance. Ensuring compliance across all slices adds another layer of complexity.
  • Managing Inter-Slice Interference: There is a risk of interference between slices, particularly when they share physical resources. Effective isolation mechanisms are necessary to prevent such issues.
  • Cost Management: While network slicing aims to optimize resource usage, it can also lead to increased operational costs if not managed efficiently, particularly in terms of resource allocation and maintenance.
  • Increased Network Complexity: Finally, the introduction of each network slice inevitably increases the complexity of an already intricate network infrastructure. For effective network troubleshooting, packet captures (PCAPs) now need to account for different slices, each with its own performance characteristics, security protocols, and QoS parameters. This heightened complexity demands more sophisticated tools and analysis techniques to ensure each network slice performs optimally and securely.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, advanced technological solutions, and continuous monitoring and adjustment.

How Automated PCAP Analysis Reduces the Complexity of Each Network Slice

Speaking of advanced technological solutions...

To deal with the increased network complexity brought on by 5G network slicing (and the resulting tax on packet captures), automated PCAP analysis becomes even more integral to network troubleshooting.

Using AI and ML to optimize network troubleshooting addresses the core challenge of network slicing: increased complexity of networks (and therefore increased complexity of network analysis). And by doing that, it enhances the core benefit of network slicing: better overall network service quality through more efficient use of network resources.

In a sliced network, problems might be confined to a particular slice or could affect multiple slices. Automated PCAP analysis tools, like B-YOND's AGILITY, use AI and ML to quickly identify anomalies or malfunctions within individual slices, facilitating faster troubleshooting and resolution.

Tangible Benefits of AGILITY

These aren't theoretical benefits. AGILITY has been developed to reduce the complexities of analyzing 5G networks, and it's proven to do exactly that by:

  • Increasing RCA Coverage: AGILITY enhances Root Cause Analysis (RCA) coverage by 10x, meaning complex 5G network issues within slices are identified and resolved faster.
  • Reducing Operational Costs: By automating time consuming processes, AGILITY reduces operational costs by up to 90%. This cost efficiency not only benefits network providers but also the end users, leading to more affordable services.
  • Accelerating Testing and Analysis: AGILITY significantly speeds up the testing and analysis processes. This acceleration not only acts as a safeguard for deploying network slices, but it also ensures that each network slice meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.

If you go over the entire list of challenges attributed to 5G network slicing from the previous section, AGILITY provides a solution — either directly or indirectly — to each one. This makes AGILITY an indispensable partner to network slicing.

With AGILITY, telecom operators reduce the complexities of 5G network slicing and also leverage its full potential to offer optimized, reliable, and high-quality network services.

Leveraging the Full Potential of 5G Network Slicing

The full potential of network slicing extends beyond merely optimizing current service delivery. It links telecoms to advancements such as the expanded integration of IoT, the development of smart cities, next-generation streaming services, and even nascent technologies yet to be explored.

We believe AGILITY contributes to this future by answering the challenges and maximizing the benefits of network slicing architecture. And we want you to believe it, too. That's why we offer a free trial that you can sign up for today.

But our commitment to elevating network quality goes beyond immediate solutions. We're dedicated to preparing telecoms for the future of 5G, which is why we recently began a series of 5G Lab webinars.

Our latest webinar in this new series focuses on network slicing and observability. While it covers a lot of the insights shared in this article, it goes a step further by demonstrating every step outlined in our guide, offering a practical, visual learning experience. We invite you to watch it now and start realizing the potential of 5G lab features.